Welcome to Season 22/23

I would like to welcome our new Board of Directors for Season 22/23.
Vice President - Peter Smith
Finance Manager - Melissa Field
Secretary - Geoff 'Rass' Thompstone
Life Saving Services Manager - Grace Lightfoot
Competition Manager - Tim Watson
Juniors Manager - Kate Walsh
Sponsorship & Fundraising Manager - Jodie Reyntjes
A big thanks to members who nominated for Committee positions at our recent AGM.
For those of you that don't know me - I started in the Jan Juc Surf Club as a nipper in 1984, coming from a swimming club. Competition has been a big part of my involvement over the years, I still compete in Surfboats as a sweep for a few of the Jan Juc boat crews, competing at all levels.
I have also been a patrol captain, training officer and ran Nippers at Jan Juc. I have a very good knowledge of Surf Life Saving especially at Jan Juc. I strongly believe this will help me be a good president for our Club.
I really want to take the club to the next level now we have settled into our new club house. I want to build on this by connecting better with our members and the local community. While honouring our history, I want to make sure the club is in a good position moving forward.
Looking forward to a great season.